View Full Version : Shakib the PeaceMaker?

December 7, 2013, 08:30 AM
রাজনৈতিক কারণে এই মুহূর্তে আলোচনায় থাকা জাতীয় পার্টির চেয়ারম্যান এইচ এম এরশাদের বাড়িতে আকস্মিকভাবে হাজির হলেন ক্রিকেটার সাকিব আল হাসান।

র‌্যাব-পুলিশের উপস্থিতি এবং নেতা-কর্মী ও সাংবাদিকদের ভিড়ের মধ্যে শনিবার সন্ধ্যা সাড়ে ৬টার দিকে বারিধারায় এরশাদের বাড়িতে হাজির হন জাতীয় দলের এই ক্রিকেটার।
কালো রংয়ের একটি টয়োটা এলিয়ন গাড়ি থেকে নেমে র‌্যাপিং পেপার মোড়ানো একটি প্যাকেট নিয়ে সাকিবকে ঢুকতে দেখা যায়।
এরশাদের বাড়ির নিচে নিচে অবস্থানকারী জাতীয় পার্টির কর্মী-সমর্থকরা হাত মেলাতে চাইলেও সবাইকে এড়িয়ে যান তিনি।


১৫ মিনিট পর বেরিয়ে কারো সঙ্গে কোনো কথা না বলে চলে যান সাকিব। উপস্থিত সাংবাদিকদের সব কৌতূহলও এড়িয়ে যান তিনি।

Read more ...এরশাদের বাড়িতে সাকিব (http://bangla.bdnews24.com/bangladesh/article711011.bdnews)
Source: http://bangla.bdnews24.com/

I wonder/hope/dream if Shakib can pull out a surprise by inviting the "TOP" political leaders at his wedding reception party and.....
> Peace in Bangladesh!!!?

December 7, 2013, 09:13 AM
Huh? What the. Don't know what to say.

December 7, 2013, 09:39 AM
So anyone from Banglacricket got invitation

December 7, 2013, 12:00 PM
This is all nothing but "Utter" garbage.

I am not attacking Shakib or OP by any means, but seriously, just leave it because its not something worth discussing

December 7, 2013, 01:34 PM
I wish that shakib does not start to affiliate himself with political parties from now, it will prevent him to give 100% focus on cricket. If he wants to do politics, he is better served joining politics after his retirement from cricket.

December 7, 2013, 02:01 PM
Which party? lol

December 7, 2013, 02:34 PM
Why do Shakib, Tamim feel the need to invite Ershad, Khaleda Zia at their wedding receptions? What kind of stuntbaaji is this?

December 7, 2013, 03:04 PM
Why do Shakib, Tamim feel the need to invite Ershad, Khaleda Zia at their wedding receptions? What kind of stuntbaaji is this?

It might be that they do like those political parties or support them, just like we like the players can't they like any political figure? It is their democratic right. It is the media that is inflating the matter. It is just an assumption though!

December 7, 2013, 08:28 PM
Shakib probably likes Ershad. I was too young but heard that he has been the only leader to do significant amount of work to improve our country and actually cared for the countrymen.

December 7, 2013, 09:46 PM
Shakib probably likes Ershad. I was too young but heard that he has been the only leader to do significant amount of work to improve our country and actually cared for the countrymen.

Yes...He cared so much for his countrymen that it spurred them to topple his military dictatorship in a popular uprising.

Building a couple of highways and prettying them up with fluorescent lamps doesn't make him a good leader.

That said, if Shakib wants to show his support to a bum like Ershad, he has every right to do so.

December 8, 2013, 10:38 AM
It might be that they do like those political parties or support them, just like we like the players can't they like any political figure? It is their democratic right. It is the media that is inflating the matter. It is just an assumption though!
There is no wrong in liking political leaders. Like Nelson Mendela. Liking our political leaders who have blood in their hands (99%), is plain wrong. Assumption or not.

Now if you want to say lesser of two/three/300 evils..I can understand that..

December 8, 2013, 11:05 AM
SAkib did the right thing, afterall Ershad is the Father of BDesh cricket,
and also by inviting Ershad Sakib proved how neutral & open spirited he is .

on a serious note, it's none of my business who Sakib invites on his wedding but Ershad is a proven chor,dictator, betrayer and currently the biggest joke of the country, so it hurts to see this, but still none of my business.

December 9, 2013, 03:58 AM
It's his wedding, he gets to choose who comes & who doesn't and quite frankly we should keep our noses out of it.

December 9, 2013, 09:16 AM
It's his wedding, he gets to choose who comes & who doesn't and quite frankly we should keep our noses out of it.

Well said....we should rather hope that the event is memorable for Shakib

December 9, 2013, 09:47 AM
To clear it up he invited all three: Hasina, Khaleda Madam and Ershad.

The Prime Minister will not come because the opposition leader may be there. The opposition leader will not come because the Prime Minister may be there.

Ershad will come because the shundori lolonas will be there :D:floor::goal:

December 9, 2013, 09:56 AM
^^^ :notworthy:


December 9, 2013, 10:15 AM
To clear it up he invited all three: Hasina, Khaleda Madam and Ershad.

The Prime Minister will not come because the opposition leader may be there. The opposition leader will not come because the Prime Minister may be there.

Ershad will come because the shundori lolonas will be there :D:floor::goal:

Last part was too good:up:

December 10, 2013, 11:29 PM
Ershad will come because the shundori lolonas will be there :D:floor::goal:

This is exactly why Shak should be careful who he decides to hang out with.

December 12, 2013, 05:41 AM
This is exactly why Shak should be careful who he decides to hang out with.

Michael Clarke has Warnie as a friend, so whats wrong with shakib having HoMo?:D

thanks for the compliments;)

December 12, 2013, 01:54 PM
Shakib is well involved with AL, from what I hear. So my guess would be he went to visit Ershad on behalf of AL, not to make friendship with Ershad out of his own interest.

December 12, 2013, 02:54 PM
Shakib is well involved with AL, from what I hear. So my guess would be he went to visit Ershad on behalf of AL, not to make friendship with Ershad out of his own interest.
Now someone talking...!

Good to see you back :)

December 12, 2013, 03:24 PM
Shakib is well involved with AL, from what I hear. So my guess would be he went to visit Ershad on behalf of AL, not to make friendship with Ershad out of his own interest.

I heard that yesterday he went to Khaleda Zia's place to invite her and he said on Twitter that he's not getting in to politics. So I don't think he's involved with AL. Could be wrong tho