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Old November 12, 2009, 09:45 AM
BD-Shardul BD-Shardul is offline
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Originally Posted by Purbasha T
Though I believe in Allah's miracles, some of the Muslims have made a mockery of miracles by trying to create miracles themselves in order to convince others as they try to say ''as long as it leads to the right goal, any means (even evil and false ones) are fine''.

This writing miracle can surely happen. But we need to be 100% sure before we use it as the truth. They should show videos that can show the whole thing from a time period prior to the appearance of the that we can sure that it's not something man-made, like that dermato.. thing. Or, is the video good enough itself?
So true. Previously many others miracles appeared and later they were proved to be man made. Examples:

01. The devil women: It was women who had the body like an animal but the face like a human. But the reality was she used to hide her full body in a box except for her head and then added an animal body below her head (put that above the lid of the box). The connection between her head and the animal shaped body was used be hidden by her long artificial air. The funny thing is that devil women even came to Qatar and people bought tickets to see her. At the end, the whole mystery was discovered by the Qatar police and the group was kicked away. That was the end of their business.

02. Woman becoming animal after abusing Quran: A picture of severely deformed woman appeared and the it was said it happened because she abused the Quran. The truth is, that picture was fake and was made copying a famous art.

03. Pictures showing the torment of grave: I have seen them and just by looking at those pics, you can say that they were photo-shopped. I mean the rules of this physical world do not apply to the world of Qabr, and no one can see the torment unless Allah shows it. And even if He shows, I can say that it would be so dangerous that people would have no time to shiver, let alone bring a camera and take pictures.

04. I once used to receive an email that said that an Imam of Prophet’s Mosque dreamt the prophet and the prophet said so and so. This email became so recurrent that the imam was finally asked about it by the people. The imam said that this email was a hoax and he didn’t dream the prophet.

Having said that all, looking at the YouTube videos of this boy, it seemed very unlikely to me that his father and mother would use or allow someone else to use such an innocent child for some purpose. So, it seemed true to me. And if true, then it is a miracle of Allah and this is a sign for people to reflect and believe.
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