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Old February 3, 2010, 08:27 AM
Catskills Catskills is offline
First Class Cricketer
Join Date: January 10, 2009
Posts: 438

The tea gardens in Sylhet are amazingly beautiful. I had the most beautiful time there. But I don't really understand anything when sylhetis talk to each other. It seem as if listening to a differrent language. I think Sylheti language was partly orginated from Asami language? Once I met a girl in London who didn't want to speak Bangla. She said that she only spoke Sylheti and I wouldn't understand her so our conversation was in English. Well, she spoke English elequently with fine British accent. Once another Syheti friend of mine asked me- doesn't your jaw hurts when speak pure Bangla. I suppose we are all used to our own local accent. Anyway Sylhet will come back. They have a lot of good players.
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