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Old April 6, 2010, 06:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Orpheus
Bond what high school do you go to?

I think Zunaid bhai is right. I think Baruch may rank higher in business than either of those more scientific research oriented universities.

Have you definitely set your mind to Business?

I think there will always be changes in your interest once your start college. I think those state universities provide much much more diversity (subject wise). I think it is not a bad idea to go to a school where you will have a lot of options. I don't think apart from business, Baruch is all that great for other subjects.

I think Stony brook offers a 5 year masters program where you can do your undergrad in science or engineering and then do an extra year for MBA (without taking all those tests).

Anyways, the time in which we are right now, I would be looking for multiple subjects/multiple pathways. My recommendation is Engineering with business. But your interest maybe elsewhere.
Orphy is giving some good advice here!!! I strongly recommend building a broad background during undergrad years.
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