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Old April 7, 2010, 03:03 PM
Bond Bond is offline
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Originally Posted by zman
What's there to think? Binghamton Uni is the no. one school in the SUNY system. If you've done your due diligence I'm sure you know by now Harpur college has great liberal arts and science programs, School of Watson is a top notch engineering school and School of Management consistently produces (or at least used to produce until 4/5 years back) plenty of big four/Goldman/Morgan Stanley material each year. Go to Bingie...think no easy as that. If I haven't made it obvious enough, yes- I went there for my undergrad :P

Now, here's my real opinion. If you wanna have fun in college stay as far away from Bingie as you can.
Reasons are two-fold. First, you've probably heard they call BU the poor man's Ivy league. Lots of students who can't afford Ivy leagues/ other smart kids who think they'll get an easy pass go there only to find out the level of difficulty is much higher than what they had anticipated. You almost get the impression from some of the professors, they think they should be teaching at Ivy leagues, not Binghamton, and out of inferiority complex or something they try extra hard to make exams extremely difficult. This is coming from someone who breezed through ssc/hsc/buet entrance exam. So if you think you have a very strong background, I'd advise going to an Ivy league as you'll be putting in almost the same amount of effort to get good grades anyway, yet at the end of the day you won't be getting the Ivy league seal. Otherwise, go to an easier school.
Second, the weather really sucks. Binghamton is the second most rainy city in the country behind Seattle. It's always cloudy and gloomy. You hardly get to see the sun and a lot of people (me included) find that very depressing.

If you still decide to go there let me know, I may be able to introduce you to some professors from the math department (who successfully made my life a living hell ). If you need any more info feel free to PM me. I can give you a list of all the fraternities, clubs, pubs and the personal phone number of Kasim, Imam of the local Mosque. :P Good luck with your college hunt.
Me and my friend are driving to Binghampton to check out the campus this friday. We may run into each other, just wanted to see the dorming facilities and the students. Thanks for the insight information.

I was really excited when I got the acceptance letter from Binghampton uni as you mentioned above it's the number 1 suny uni, guess I have to study my butt out to get As. Will be difficult but not impossible. Thanks again brother, really appreciate it.
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