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Old April 17, 2010, 10:12 PM
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Rifat Rifat is offline
Cricket Sage
Join Date: March 30, 2007
Location: Connecticut
Favorite Player: Abu Jayed Rahi
Posts: 15,523

Thank you Parvez for including me in your ELITE tournament(once again)!

I will most likely end up not playing in BCPL::4:: but i will give my best.

The only thing i do not like about your tournament is your youth rule: suppose i have a really strong youth U-19 guy who plays regularly in my friendly matches(this used to be the case for my former U-19 player "Rifat Chowdhury") now Monish Shewag and in next season insha'Allah Adnan Bishwash(has a slight shot at National U-19 team!)...and then Aftab Zia and Junaed Bashar(maybe)... sometimes i like to play my youths(the U-19ones) in friendly matches to see what kind of a role they would fill in once they get into the senior squad!

I understand your intention of creating this rule: (for players who "forfeit" matches and play weak youth players!) that is not the case with me....some of my youths may be approaching "Accomplished" summary and their skills are very similar to my senior squad(currently mostly Expert/outstanding/Accomplished) but you get the picture. your rule forbids me to try out my strong youth players whom i potentially keep for my future squad and with friendly matches i get an idea of how they would fit into my future plans...

to Ash, Bangla Youngees manager, I am very dissapointed that you failed to buy Ravindra Bhatia from me..ALhamdulilah, i did get about $265k for him...but i thought you would end up getting him.(he was a 16 year old i recently sold who had "boundary hitter" talent and overall average keeping and ordinary batting!!! I enjoyed the money,. but i am not sure if i can make another youth pull as good as him(Allah knows!) hopefully he makes it to the national team with his new manager who went through the trouble of paying $265000 for him I did not want to really sell him but since I thought I would do a favor to a friend so I accepted to sell it to Ashraf(Bangla Youngees) with a starting price of 65k!

People, I am still very much involved in this game and Finals are approaching fast. summer time I hope to get more invloved with the National Team(as an assistant/manager)

Thank you Burgers for all you have done for the national team and best of luck in Real Life

I love my T20 league....very competitive and new experience for me....lost to Bangla Kopites on a recent match! my only notable achivement is that I beat Dhaka Warriors once(ALhamdulillahi Rabbil A'lamin!) at that time he was unbeaten and i was the 8th ranked team

I am enjoying my fun at the upper divisions a nice roller coaster ride, lots of thrills but FUN!

Last edited by Rifat; April 17, 2010 at 10:30 PM..
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