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Old January 11, 2005, 03:09 AM
Nazim Shirazi Nazim Shirazi is offline
Street Cricketer
Join Date: February 11, 2003
Location: Los Angeles
Posts: 21
Default Why do we need to justify our success?

When we beat Pakistan in the 1999 world cup there was the allegation that the match was fixed. I watched the tape a few times and there was nothing wrong in it as far as I could see. Most of the Pakistanis I know could not accept the defeat and jumped on the band wagon of match fixing allegation. This is total nonsense and it still bothers me when some people bring up this discussion.

On that day we simply outplayed Pakistan and that is the end of it. It is our deshi mentality to cast a shadow of doubt whenever possible and that is the easiest way out for some. I do not see the same people complaining when the best team in NBA looses to the worst team. Upsets do happen and such is sports. Leave it at that, accept it and move on.

When we recently beat India comprehensively in the ODI and crushed Zimbabwe in this test match some people as usual have suggested that our opponents were not at full strength. This is utter rubbish. I am sorry but that is not our problem. When a player represents his country, he better be ready to serve his country. Oh, I almost forgot, how long is Zimbabwe a test playing country?

When we play our under 19 players in order to build our team for the future and lose games against teams at full strength with much more experience, we are subjected to loosing our test status. I do not see anyone complaining that we are the youngest team in world cricket at the highest level and trying very hard to catch up.

We have a long way to go where we want to be and are aware of it. We know our weakness and also our strength. The little success we have had recently will give a lot of confidence and boost the self belief of our young players. Some of our current star players will soon be competing for their place in the national side in about two years and that will be a good thing. It will encourage millions to believe in themselves and spread the game of cricket in remote areas in BD through more sponsorship.

I congratulate all BD cricket fans worldwide for their support and pray for our team through thick and thin. BD cricket is in good hands and the future looks pretty decent. To the critics of BD cricket, please be advised, we do not owe you any explanation nor do we need to justify every time we win. Now go figure it.

Nazim Shirazi.
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