Thread: Hebrew Qawwali
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Old September 18, 2010, 09:32 PM
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mona mona is offline
Forever Bangy
Join Date: June 17, 2003
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Haha Orph you can't leave yet.

Mona, are you serious? This guy is keeping Qawwali alive??
HAHAHAHAHAH. You guys are soooo predictable. You know I originally wrote that sentence as, 'it's good to see him keeping this music alive' but I KNEW someone would get all uptight about it and jump on it so I added the word 'helping'. Simply by making this music, he is by definition, helping to keep it alive. I never claimed he was the sole reason for its continued existence (I don't know anything about it anyway).

Have you heard of Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan?
Of course I have. Unfortunately though it's extremely tough for him to keep it alive, not being alive himself. I'll anticipate your response and say of course him being the most important modern Qawwal could never be denied or forgotten because of the availability of his abundant recorded music and the contributions of the people he influenced and inspired. However, unfortunately for us, he isn't here physically to keep it going.

You don't click on it cuz Fab probably didn't cook on Eid cuz she was busy
You're absolutely right she was busy. But my mother has ALWAYS cooked, without fail, every year on both Eids. I've always enjoyed having people over, I love Eid. It doesn't mean I have to list every single item my mum cooked on BC. My point with that anyway is that everybody has different opinions on what makes a thread interesting, so how can you possibly have a measure on what's good or not (bar the obvious).

you didn't get any money because you are too stuck up to be touching elder's feet. These are traditions we have grown up with and all of a sudden our tradition is "crap"
Haha I was under the impression that once you're an adult you don't get any salaami? God dang it, you mean I've missed out on 7 years worth of serious money? Come on Orph, even you with your skewed interpretation of reality can't deny that salaami (wtf is Eidi?) has always been more about how much one can weedle out of the elders rather than respecting them by touching their feet. It's a Hindu tradition anyway.

and some guy raping the sanctity of Qawwali is intriguing
Any fool can see that he has the highest respect for that type of music and its singers. Watch the video. Bollywood on the other hand is ALWAYS about trying to make money by exploiting established icons and NEVER about art.

Everything leading up to.."Forever Angy"
Lol, screw you. You don't know me! (think angry woman on Jerry Springer)

Now for Grand Master Zee..

Don't be daft. We all have frontal lobes with areas that inhibit us from going on with ridiculous behaviour. I think most people have the capacity to understand that starting a thread on the mating behaviours of Octopusses (Octopii? What's the plural for that?) would mean that people would find it rather hard to take you seriously in the future. In addition to that, we have the capacity to gauge whether a thread will go down well or not. I guess this is where your beloved Orphy's hypothesis about relevance comes in. Well this thread isn't so far removed from our culture. Most of us are Muslims, and Sufism can be considered an Islamic form of expression and Qawwali is music pertaining to that. See much less than six degrees. Not to mention, who doesn't love hearing about Israelis! Anyway, I think the relevance thing is bull, maybe the FC subheading should be changed from 'Talk about anything' to 'Talk about anything (must have prior approval from our Dear Leaders Zee and Dumb)'.

How is my logic retarded? If person 'x' relentlessly opens 'irrelevant' threads that no one reads, he would get lynched here. If person 'y' opens threads that only around 4 people care for but only does it once or twice a year, it would be really petty for anyone to care, especially on a board that's not exactly overflowing with topics. Is it precious Internets space that's getting used up? Is the 0.6s it took you to read the thread title too much to spare out of your clearly busy life? (I for one will never forgive you two for making me waste over an hour on this when I'm supposed to be studying). Elec (amar adorer baccha) never opened a thread that was offensive, mercenary or insensitive. It was just a little bit different.

P.S - If you have anything interesting to say about Zoroastrian cremation, I'll happily read it.

Btw thanks Neel for suggestions.
Imrul: "It was an accident"
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