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Old January 19, 2005, 10:17 AM
Tintin Tintin is offline
BC Editorial Team
Join Date: August 23, 2003
Posts: 3,494

>> It emerged there was no official scorer for the match. Nor did St John's have theirs. The only scoresheet of the match belonged to Anjuman's!

I don't know whether MCA or whoever organizes the tournament appoints official scorer for every match in this Harris sheild tournament, but I am not that surprised. This sort of thing often happens at the lower levels.

When our office team takes part in tournaments (which at best could only considered to be fifth or sixth division standard), hardly any teams bring scorers. It is someone from the batting team, who is sitting out at the moment, who does it. The organizers appoint the umpires, and the umpires are interested only in the brief scores and result.

No comments about the incident. Could well be sour grapes or genuine fraud.
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