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Old January 21, 2005, 05:50 PM
razath razath is offline
Club Cricketer
Join Date: January 16, 2005
Location: Kichener-Waterloo
Posts: 165

We need to follow the best (Australia) to improve our cricket. Australia selects best eleven first and then select captain from them, which means captain must be among the best performer. Alok and Rokon can be considered themselves most lucky cricketers in Bangladesh cricket history who were given lot of opportunity but wasted it.

I'm great admirer of Alok's cricket and want him to perform well. When his position will be secured in Bangladesh team, the question of his captaincy can arise.

Until then please close this unnecessary thread.

We can not afford to have any captain like Durjou (only good for subcontinent) or Sujan (not sure! good for what) in our test team. We need a captain who will inspire the rest of the players by his performance.
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