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Old March 11, 2011, 04:23 PM
rafiq rafiq is offline
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Originally Posted by MohammedC
I left the stadium many times when tigers were bound to be loosing. I believe those who left were not traitor or has done anything to be ashamed about. They did not show their back at the team. They just cant handle the team loosing so badly (which did not happen today).
Don't want to get too carried away with labeling people one way or the other. I was in the stadium when they scored 58 against WI, and the team deserved the boos for such a performance. That was such a spineless and inexplicable performance, no one felt the team deserved much more effort than they were prepared to give themselves.

Today was a different matter. Bangladesh had come to play but had had one of their normal collapses. This is predictable and everyone should have a game plan for how they ought to behave when one occurs. The fans in this case had a responsibility to lift the team, and leaving was the diametric opposite of what was needed. Does a 4 and 6 from Shafiul bring back their voices, or do their voices give him the courage the hit those shots? Losing at any stage today would not have been losing badly - after all nothing can compare to the WI defeat.
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