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Old March 14, 2011, 12:04 PM
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Originally Posted by Ian Pont
I have to correct you, sorry.

Shafiul is a SIDEWAYS bowler (back foot lands parallel with the crease) but has a slight 'mix' at the top (misaligns his hips with top half).

Mashrafee couldn't be more SIDEWAYS if he tried (both top and bottom completely lined up correctly).

Shafiul has work to do on using his trailing leg better and not splaying out his front foot so much. Mash is at the behest of his injuries sadly and will always be unable to correct his 'crossed over' feet at the crease.
Well Said coach, that guy had it completely wrong

Mashrafe is sideways as sideways can be, he is practically a semi slinger like Waqar Younis
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