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Old May 7, 2011, 04:03 AM
LBW103 LBW103 is offline
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Originally Posted by uss01
I agree with Khaled Mahmud in terms of respecting our local coaches. We have to respect ourselves first before jumping to the conclusion that we need foreigh help. That applies to everything in Bangladesh, not just cricket.

Secondly, everyone in the session was obsessed with BCB and the government and what they should do and not do. Sometimes it's better to do little and just get the hell out of the way. In this case I would suggest franchising the NCL first class league. Sell them to private owners, have some sort of revenue sharing program so private owners would actually want to buy a franchise (which they did already for the NCL t20 league). By revenue sharing I mean from TV rights of highlight packages from each game. No many people have the time to watch a 4 day game live, but highlights they will.

Then the private owners will take care of providing training facilities, paying players, having minor leagues, player contract, etc.
I have to ask you this. What is stopping the LOCAL COACHES now doing a better job at grass roots? What is stopping a dedicated person or group of people organising something meaningful? Why does everybody have to wait all the time to be spoon fed by the BCB or Government?

The very reason BD needs foreign coaches is because they are the ones who roll their sleeves up and actually coach, but it doesn't and shouldn't be this way. In the USA we have coaches who volunteer for coaching, go into schools, set up programs, coach the kids. Facilities are poor, really poor, but they do it with a bat and ball and just get on with it. USA cricket is extremely weak. BD is a test nation. Yet the USA seems to have more dedicated and passionate coaches than BD has and we have a government that doesn't even know what cricket is.

Some of the comments in the original post at the top from the 'commentators' or 'experts' said how wonderful the local coaches are and why have they not be recognised in high profile permanent positions. If that is really true, and the local coaches are wonderful, then surely BD cricket would be far, far, far better than it is, with truly gifted depths of talent, after 10 years with TEST status and 24 years playing internationals. The board doesn't coach at local level, the national coaches don't coach at local level. The LOCAL coaches do that. The national coaches we have had over time have all complained the players come to them with a lack of cricketing basics to be successful at that level. They then have to start coaching them in the skills they should have already learned. These are the facts.

Either it is a fault with coach education or the local coaches, or both. It is clear though that the fault is happening at local level.

I feel it is time for BD to stop moaning and griping all the time and just get on with it. The rest of us have to because we have no options. So if the so called experts in BD know best then let them actually do something meaningful. It's easy to talk.
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