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Old June 9, 2011, 09:25 AM
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Originally Posted by DJ Sahastra
Desis are worst tippers. In my twenties, I was big time into clubbing and was friends with pretty much all the DJs in town, so had access to VIP privileges (jump the queue, no entry fees etc.). At one time, i took my entire project team of 14 members (we had a team-build that had continued way into the night) for free to a premier dance club. Once inside, i generally part ways - there is nothing impressive about group of desis either huddled together or trying to dance TOGETHER. Anyways, most of the times, much to my surprise and dismay, i have observed that very few of them ever tip the bartender. Surprised because given that they had entered for free, i would generally expect them to be liberal with the bartenders. I confronted a few and some of the interesting i got was "She is not gonna remember me, so what's the point".

Well, the point is - they do remember. They don't remember you specifically, but they form a profile and start to judge based on that profile. It reflects when there are 10 people trying to get a drink and the bartender refuses to notice you or comes to you after she is done with everyone else. And the worst you can do is raise your voice with "Excuse Me" or whatever. You may thinh it is a racial thing - it maybe but it is often someting more.

On few occassion where someone was buying the drink for me but refused to tip, i went ahead and did that myself anyways. Eventually, I stopped taking "guests" to dance-clubs.

I understand that our culture makes us a little more conservative than we should be, and that is not a bad thing. But confusing an outing for pleasure or fun with a trip to save pennies is not the way to go about it. I may be wrong but that's my take.
At clubs they do remember you. I got great service because I always tip. This included free drinks at times.
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