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Old July 30, 2011, 11:52 PM
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Originally Posted by shaad
For the rest: So, is chingri maach halal? What about kakra?
The real question is not whats halal; rather "whats prohibited/haraam"? Anything that is not prohibited by God is by default allowed/halal.

Four kinds of food prohibited directly:
1. Dead animal/carrion/carcass
2. Flesh/Meat of pig
3. Running blood
4. Food that is offered in alters or sacrificed for other gods.

Quran 2:178 & 5:3
He only prohibits for you the eating of animals that die of themselves (without human interference), blood, the meat of pigs, and animals dedicated to other than GOD. If one is forced (to eat these), without being malicious or deliberate, he incurs no sin. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.
Everything from sea is allowed and so is all livestock. Hunting by trained animals allowed:
Quran 5:96
Lawful for you is the catch of the sea, to eat it as enjoyment for you and for those who travel; and forbidden for you is the catch of the land as long as you are under restriction (during hajj pilgrimage); and be aware of God to whom you will be summoned.

Quran 5:1
O you who believe, you shall fulfill your covenants. Permitted for you to eat are the livestock, except those specifically prohibited herein. You shall not permit hunting throughout Hajj pilgrimage. GOD decrees whatever He wills.

Quran 5:4
5:4 They ask you what was made lawful to them, say, "All the good things have been made lawful for you, and what the trained dogs and birds catch; you teach them from what God teaches you." So eat from what they have captured for you and mention God's name upon it, and be aware of God. God is quick in reckoning.
Food consumed by Jews/Christians allowed (except of-course for the ones that are prohibited explicitly) :
Quran 5:5
Today, all good food is made lawful for you. The food of the people of the scripture (i.e. Jews/Christians) is lawful for you, ....
Intoxicants are mentioned separately. There are benefits in them, but harm outweighs benefits.
Quran 2:219
They ask you about intoxicants and gambling. Say, "In them is great harm, and a benefit for people; but their harm is greater than their benefit." ....
We must mention God's name before eating (i.e. In the name of God or Bismillah) Quran 6:118-121

We are strictly forbidden to create prohibitions or for that matter any religious laws on our own and attribute them to God. There are numerous examples on Quran regarding invented prohibitions and attributing them to God. Here are some:
Quran 10:59 (Strict Warning!)
Say, "Did you note how GOD sends down to you all kinds of provisions, then you render some of them unlawful, and some lawful?" Say, "Did GOD give you permission to do this? Or, do you fabricate lies and attribute them to GOD?"

Quran: 16:116 (Another Warning)
You shall not invent lies about God by attributing lies with your tongues, saying: "This is lawful and that is forbidden." Those who invent lies about God will not succeed.

Quran 6:144
Regarding the two kinds of camels, and the two kinds of cattle, say, "Is it the two males that He prohibited, or the two females, or the contents of the wombs of the two females? Were you witnesses when GOD decreed such prohibitions for you? Who is more evil than those who invent such lies and attribute them to GOD? They thus mislead the people without knowledge. GOD does not guide such evil people."

Quran 6:138
And they say, "Such and such cattle and fruits of the field are sacred. No one will eat of them except whom we permit." They also arbitrarily prohibit the riding of some animals. And there are livestock over which they do not pronounce the Name of God. He will surely requite them for their innovations..
That is all for food. And, to answer your original question, Yes chingri maach and kakra are fully lawful

And, no there is nothing called "makruh" (yet another mullah innovation: YAMI).
They said, "After we turn into bones and fragments, we get resurrected anew?!" Say, "Even if you turn into rocks or iron.[17:49-50] |Wiki: Cold Fusion occurring via quatum tunnelling in ~101500 years makes everything into iron.

Last edited by Nasif; July 31, 2011 at 02:01 AM..
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