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Old February 8, 2005, 11:15 PM
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Originally posted by cricketfan
Most of your statements appear fabricated. Do you have any proof to substantiate the points you are trying to make about:
-Chinese manufactured planes,aircraft carriers etc
-Rate of growth of Indian population vis-a vis other countries
-About India trying to occupy Tibet ( even Dalai Lama who lives in India in exile will be aghast at your statement)
-About Kashmir

Any reason for such rabid anti-India stance?
plz dont make some moronic statements about me being anti indian...good for you if you think india is stronger....i got nothing against them and hopefully they got nothing against me

as calling my statement fabricated??? did you even bother to check if they were or not???? or its just because you never heard of what goes on around you???

you want reference?? you will get it now....

1. china manufactured planes, aircraft carriers etc------
(try and get me a website which says india makes their own planes)

2. rate of population growth in india---you dont expect me to remember everysingle source do you??? but neverthless here it is

3. heard of the sino-indian war of 1962-63? i guess is one for you

4. only recently india dropped their claim of tibet because they realised they cant win this with china

5. about kashmir....why do you think they are still holdin onto dear kashmir for life??? coz they dont want to loose anymore than they have lost since 1948 partitioning

i am NOT saying that india is weak or anythng like that....what i am saying is that in terms of technology, china is way stronger while india( whos is also militarily well equipped) has a long way to go....

the chinese has sent man on space...has india done that???
the chinese developed their nukes before india...dont believe?? check google
furthermore, when war breaks out.... russia and usa wont be helpind india for the sake of staying neutral

so what is the the unlikely case of war, as before, india is bound to be on the loosing side because, technology wise and economically it is WEAKER than china...not weak as in general

some one said india has strong defence system to protect does that make china's defence weak...??

honestly in dont know where the arguement is heading!!
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