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Old September 10, 2011, 02:29 AM
Zunaid Zunaid is offline
Join Date: January 22, 2004
Posts: 22,100

Originally Posted by Jadukor
I would suggest the macbook pro 13" model. It looks amazing... really fast and not that heavy to carry around. The battery life is about 7 hours so u can do a lot of things while the electricity is not there. The new operating system for apple OSX Lion allows you to bootcamp the laptop which means you can run both windows and mac operating system on the same machine...just have to select when you switch on.

Macbook air is nice too but i don't like the fact that it doesnt have a dvd drive.
I've been Windows/Linux user for ages (my current laptop is a dual boot Windows 7/Ubuntu) and it's an HP that I will not recommend to anyone. It's a quad core and was designed to replace my desktop but runs too hot and performance does not live up to the specs.

That saying - my wife and daughter are both MacBook Pros and I am very, impressed. Looks great, light and zippy. I love the Unix underpinnings and performance/$ is now about par with comparable non Apple machines. As for running Windows application, parallels is even better than bootcamping it.

I am even contemplating switching next to an apple and perhaps even the Air. Frankly - with net access as good as it is here. I've not had to use my optical drive at all. And these days - we are purchasing shows via iTunes and watching it on TV via Apple TV.

With bandwidth what it is in Bangladesh, that might not be an option for Lamisa. If not a MacBook pro, a Lenovo IdeaPad, a Toshiba Protege or a Dell inspiron might work.

Now if what's on top of the laptop (the cover) is more important than what's inside, then the Inspiron might be your thing. Dell does switchable covers.

I am not sure you are a gamer that you'ld need the ooopmh of Alienware.
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