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Old January 31, 2012, 01:20 PM
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Dhakablues Dhakablues is offline
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Some of you are thinking from your own perspective and ego standpoint. A player not getting selected for IPL may not bother you but it does bother the players..Its their grand stage to show their skills, hang out with world class players, practice with superior facisilities and be in the spotlight. Not to mention the money that comes with it.

Bangladeshi players not being selected doesnt bother me either. Because its pretty obvious that there is a bias against Bangladeshi players. But what BCB has done is superb.. they have now created a parallel to IPL that is bound to be as colorful and successful with the players that it attracted (thanks to IPL ban for Pakistani players and whimsical West Indians).

Bangladesh doesnt have any records of being successful with T20 and no players have any enviable stats. Zimbabwe does have their own successful T20 tournaments for few years in a row. They have had coaches like Alan Donald, Jason Gillespie, Marsh etc. who also trained those franchises... This definitely helped getting more Zimbabweans included in the auction list. And I bet there will be more players next year's IPL once our players show their skills and its broadcasted across the globe.

Again, I personally dont care about IPL and probably wont either because I cannot associate with this hetergenous players, too much commercialization, moronic Bollywood involvement that IPL brings. But for Bangladeshi players, playing at a IPLteam is still a recognition that eludes them.
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