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Old February 13, 2012, 05:25 PM
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Us (Bangladesh) being on the bottom of the list rather paints a sad (and a very well known) picture of our land and it's poverty, food shortage, lack of nutrition, health etc. Hunger is such a painful and hard element (!) in a human's life that it is the saddest of all. It makes us no longer hold our other human qualities, dignity, sense of beauty, art, intelect etc. when we go hungry! I have seen the hard life in Haiti where people/old ladies making this cakes on the street and drying them under the sun to eat. 80% of the cake is mud (genuine mud, I swear) and a little bit of salt and some vegetable sortenings in it. it almost has zero nuitritional just fills your tummy and make the hunger go away for a few hours. Hunger/food shortage and not being able to feed your people, your neighbour going hungry is one of the hardest things human civilization can witness, maybe a little less than I would say genocide or mass murder like the Nazi driven Jewish Holocaust or the genocide of our own people in 1971. Shortly after our independence in 1971 we faced with a major devastating famine in 1974, we saw the vivid horror sketches by our Maistro Shilpacharjo Jainul Abedin (they are in our National Museum in Shahbagh), people, mother fighting with vultures, crows and boney feral stray dogs for a little bit of rotten trash to feed on! Dead boney with nothing but a thin layer of skin on the extremly mal-nurished not fully grown skeleton of a mother while the infant baby is still suckling on her breast and not getting a drop and eventually will also die and join the mother, we have seen these photographs and paintings.

Bros and sis, Poverty + Hunger is such a demon and it breaks you when you are helpless and you have nothing and you see that you are not being able to feed your children.
God bless Ingrid Newkirk, Dianne Feinstein, Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris, Kirsten Gillibrand, Elizabeth Warren & Mitch Landrieu!

Last edited by bujhee kom; February 13, 2012 at 06:27 PM..
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