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Old February 18, 2012, 09:30 AM
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AsifTheManRahman AsifTheManRahman is offline
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Originally Posted by HereWeGo
Its not the responsibility of any broadcaster to have several interpreters!! Ideally they should have sent Shamim for conducting the interview..... And to sunnys credit he was only trying to help by answering in hindi so that the interviewer knows what to ask next!!....
The presenter does not act as an interpreter because it affects the flow of the interview... Thats broadcasting 101 for you...
So no need for the bc members to go so senti...
No need to teach me broadcasting 101, as a viewer I want to be able to understand what's being said on TV and shouldn't have to know a third language for that. If you're not catering to your viewers' needs, then broadcasting 101 er khetapuri.
Screw the IPL, I'm going to the MLC!
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