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Old February 20, 2012, 07:29 PM
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Zeeshan Zeeshan is offline
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Originally Posted by zsayeed

However, I am more interested in how you guys have tackled the issue in your personal lives - that is to say, 1st hand knowledge.


Edit: Just to same on the same page, I need to know what you mean by Ego. If you are referring to the loose term, ie hubris, then it doesn't bother me. Certain bit of self-assuredness is needed. Rather if you are speaking of psychological term like Id, Ego or Superego than it sort of dovetails with a 'psychological program' that has been printed on tabula rasa that can be defragmented or washed away. I tried to deconstruct it with inspection but realized best is to accept your flawed self for you are instead of fighting it. Sure substances helped, but sometimes it is through personal hobbies or fulfillment such as cricket that one can lose or transcend the Ego, hence the Japanese metaphor of 'The Way'. So best cure is to stay busy and have a goal. Remember Siddartha means 'the one who attained his goal' while eastern religions has a negative connotation of kick-backing or doing Nothing. Yet those religions are very much goal-oriented.

In simple formula, pick something and try to be the best at it :p at least my philosophy
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