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Old March 8, 2012, 05:07 PM
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AsifTheManRahman AsifTheManRahman is offline
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Let's dissect.
Originally Posted by rinathq
Boycott said, Bangladesh need all the cricket they can get to be on the TV. Their association wants to get TV money.
True. All boards do.
Their cricket is till poor, quite poor actually.
Berry true.
More ICC money is spent on them than any of the new countries out there who wants to make it in big league.
We're a Test side, so true I think.
Bangladesh have not delivered. Playing at home, they have performed reasonably ok, but playing away they are still very poor and the money that has been pored in is wasted.
Can't argue with that.

To conclude, the man has spoken nothing but the truth. Besides, given how we fold for below 200 in ODIs, I wouldn't be surprised if his mom actually does bat better than our top order.
Screw the IPL, I'm going to the MLC!
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