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Old March 28, 2012, 01:46 PM
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Default @Roey Haque

Originally Posted by Roey Haque
yo yoy o wassup homeschizzle

What's popping Tiger fans? Still enjoying the victory buzz? I love it when we beat India. Breaking the hearts of a billion is sure fun.
yo wahts cracking daug yo yo yo...yes we are still enjoying the victory buzz. stoned dude.


Anyway, here's the thing. I'm worried about Tamim's and Mortaza's burgeoning weight.
made me look up the word

In Tamim's case, I'm willing to overlook, boundaries are his forte afterall, and he has some fat genes embedded in him , being the nephew of Akram Khan.
I'm willing to overlook too. He is a fort holder.

But Mashrafe's bowling ability might be hampered because of his weight. Yeah, he did good in Asia Cup, but a true fan looks at all points of contentions, even amidst victory. So while Mashrafe continues to be dedicated in his efforts, and hopefully keeps doing well, his weight will catch up with him, and not in a good way.
You write so eloquently! Is that really you behind the mic?

Our team nutritionist bust be looked into. What diet is he/she giving our players? Masharafe should cut back on the biryani,coke, and Tangail sweets, and hop on the treadmill a bit more often.
Absolutely agree. I wonder if they ever do treadmill. And love Tangali sweets.

Peace out,

See you soon Roey bhai.
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