Thread: Summer Vacation
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Old March 19, 2005, 12:06 AM
fab fab is offline
Test Cricketer
Join Date: June 30, 2003
Posts: 1,476

It really depends on a few things. How much time do you have? Do you want a leisurely holiday or an action packed one? Do you like natural scenic beauty or do you want to experience different cultures?

If you ONLY have five days to spare, then definitely cross out Australia, Europe, Africa & Asia. If you want to have a leisurely holiday cross those out too. In general I HIGHLY recommend Paris to everyone (cliche or whatever, it is the best city in the world imo), but Europe in summer is terrible. Hordes of braindead Yank/Jap snap-shot tourists make the experience quite unbearable. I went there in late Sept, and had the worst time in Versailles. It would be OK if these people were actually interested in the history, but they're not; they just go there to take pictures of themselves in front of famous things to show their family and friends.

If I had 5 days to spare and lived in the US, I'd probably just go to Canada and chill out.
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