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Old May 25, 2012, 01:41 AM
Zunaid Zunaid is offline
Join Date: January 22, 2004
Posts: 22,100

Originally Posted by iDumb
Your analogy to alcohol was a poor choice but your core message was excellent. Facebook is what it is - a social MEdium. Ppl before used to go to work, spend time with co workers and then sometimes that break marriage.. Now the medium to interact with others is easier... Ppl get bored and do stupid things.

Facebook not to be simply makes things easier. It is the action of an individual, their though process , their character that should be questioned.

Let me rephrase the heading to reflect truth...

divorce happens because you married the wrong pos.
Well said. Facebook does not kill relationships, people do. Today it is facebook, last year it was myspace, the year before it was chat room, before that AOL, before that IRC, before that party-lines, before that the PTA, before that the ....

Get my gist?
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