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Old April 11, 2005, 03:22 AM
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Ahmed_B Ahmed_B is offline
BanglaCricket Staff
Join Date: February 3, 2004
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Well we can surely discuss this matter.. because either this month or 2 years later.. Dav is surely gonna leave.. and we will need a replaement then.

But hei...its not really about being a fan of BD or about the language problem or even about being a 'Deshi' or not.

It's simply about professionalism.
We need professionally proven coaches... not someone we just have high fascinations about.

Wasim Akram was no doubt a top class player, and a successful captain as well.. but that doesn't mean he is sure to be excellent as a coach also. Choosing him to be the NL Team Coach would really be a big big GAMBLE... which may click and may even backfire right on our face!!

It's our National Team's undisturbed progress that is under question... and issues like these are far more sensitive for a 'Developing Team' than an 'Already-Top' team. Stronger teams will handle the fate of choosing the wrong coach much better than a weaker team just because of the strength of their cricket they already have.

It would really be quite stupid to put this very sensitive position into GAMBLE!
We simply should go for proven ones!
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