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Old September 24, 2012, 12:17 AM
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Originally Posted by Ajfar
I was looking through the classified files wikileaks leaked about Guantanamo Prisoners. I came across 1 Bangladeshi Prisoner's file. I hadn't heard before that Gitmo had a Bangladeshi Prisoner. His name is Mubarak Hussain Bin Abul Hashem. Here is the link to his file (

I was speechless after reading the Analyst's note. So this is how they determined he was linked to 'Jihadist'. By assuming things? His parents probably contacted him? This is quite probable? Are you freaking kidding me, they went by probable and probably?
Good find Ajfar bhai. Habeas Corpus went out the window with regards to Guantanamo years ago. What's also shocking is this: "Detainee's file does not indicate why he was sent to JTF GTMO." What?!? And I can't imagine how he was treated between the time he was picked up while praying at a mosque in Peshawar in December 2001 to being sent to GITMO on 17 January 2012.
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