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Old September 27, 2012, 12:17 AM
Zunaid Zunaid is offline
Join Date: January 22, 2004
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Now it's Malaysia's turn to get huffy. The Hasina government has screwed this up royally.

Is Malaysia Facing A Raw Deal In Bangladesh?

By M.Saraswathi

NEW DELHI, Sept 27 (Bernama) -- After months of negotiations and investing in consultancy fees and feasibility studies over Bangladesh's controversial Padma Multipurpose Bridge (PMB), Malaysia may potentially face a raw deal or be at a losing end over the project.

Malaysia got connected with the US$2.9 billion project when Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina decided to offer it to Kuala Lumpur almost a year ago after the World Bank scrapped its financing offer.


"Malaysian companies seem to be treated badly, probably it is time that we quit before more of our firms go through the same thing," an official close to the deals told Bernama.

Malaysia went to Bangladesh, especially on the Padma River project, armed with goodwill to help another Muslim nation but Kuala Lumpur's good intention seemed to have been ignored, he said.

In view of the latest developments, he suggested that Kuala Lumpur re-look at the MoU that it planned to sign with Dhaka next month on recruiting more Bangladesh workers and recognising it as "source country."
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