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Old December 5, 2012, 09:01 PM
Zunaid Zunaid is offline
Join Date: January 22, 2004
Posts: 22,100

Originally Posted by Zeeshan
Can we for once set all our differences aside instead of arguing for arguments sakes burying the real tragedy under abstract analysis of intellectual debate?
Since when has an internet debate resolved anything? There is no discussion - all we do is display our preconceived notions much like baboons display their engorged hindquarters. We speak past one another - satisfied in our smug conceit that we are right and they are wrong. If we were capable of more, we would have gotten off that engorged hindquarter and do something about the issues that matter rather than engage in acute polemics. Let's face it - an internet 'discussion' forum or the comment sections are but the preserved of the passive-aggressive denizens like us who, under the comforting anonymity of the internet, wield a big stick and an in-your-face attitude. IRL? Boo, geese and all that.
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