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Old December 6, 2012, 12:37 AM
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Ajfar Ajfar is offline
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Join Date: February 27, 2006
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Originally Posted by Jadukor
I thought people would look to take savings with them to last at least six months - one year period over there. Otherwise how do they make down payments on car, house etc after landing in Canada/US?
Jadukor bhai no ones buys house or car right after getting here. People that come here as immigrant first stay with their relative for a while and than move out and rent their own place. If someone came from BD just few months ago they have no credit history. Banks won't give them any loans for car or house. Plus if you settle in big cities like NY, Boston, DC they have good transportation system so you don't need a car.

I don't get why giving someone money here, and someone paying people in BD on your behalf can be considered a criminal act. I already paid my tax when I earned the money here to begin with. You are suppose to pay tax/fee when you are taking the money outside the country. But in this instance money is not leaving the country, its just exchanging hands.
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