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Old December 23, 2012, 12:21 PM
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Zeeshan Zeeshan is offline
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Originally Posted by Sohel
Speaking from a great deal of personal experience, it is not all in the mind at all, bro. While experiencing fleeting or comparatively sustained happiness or unhappiness is a part of life, happiness or depression as a more permanent state of being is more complex. Acute, clinical depression has strong neurological and biochemical components that require precise holistic intervention from professionals. The mind is obviously capable of impacting that delicate physiological balance either way, but it needs help.

Carefully administered medical marijuana worked for me, but the medication was made more effective because of a headlong and loving immersion into a world of truth and beauty. Social work, meditation, exercise, lovemaking, books, music, cinema and creativity can eventually make you less dependent on medication.
Thanks for the share. Nicely put.
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