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Old June 25, 2013, 09:14 AM
MohammedShamim MohammedShamim is offline
Join Date: April 9, 2013
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Originally Posted by Banglatiger84
Is this a joke?
The number of people killed in older days was far more than those killed now, in proportion to total population then and now. For all their evils, it is seen as somewhat wrong to massacre civilians these days, which is why stuff like Srebrenica and Rwanda is seen as so bad, but in "olden days", it was seen as something good by most "warriors".
Often war meant killing soldiers and as many civilians as you can and abusing as many women and children as you can...
I hope we keep to the topic- but I would like to express my opinion on this matter. olden day's and now is completely different. in olden day's it was all about war's and lands if you look at history, most country's can-not say that they were not involved in wars. its wrong to compare the olden day's and now. in the current time/generation, we have European law's, justice etc. which are clearly not followed by some oppressive countries, unlike the olden day's where ruler,commander and leader's had to write law's by themselves, it was the time of establishment of Land's and Law. it was a very tough and testing time for people.
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