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Old July 13, 2016, 12:29 AM
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Originally Posted by rezwansyed
^The spirit of the freedom-fighters are exactly what we are missing here. We need to stop idolizing the past? Can you show me a single real Hero after the 71 generation who gave their life for your country and for who we are today? None...Nada....Zero. We are in a critical state today because we are not driven by the spirits of the freedom-fighters. All these confused youths are going ashtray because they don't know their identity, they don't know who they are, they don't know how much blood had been shed by the golden-generation so that they can stand proudly and say I am a Bengali. If they knew what it means to be a Bengali they never would've wasted their life for rubbish cause. And you say forget the past. Do you know Shahid Jewel? He was a cricket-player who had all the potential of being an international cricketer but he threw it all away at the call for defending the motherland. You know Shafi Imam Rumi Bir-Bikram? He was one of the brightest kid around Dhaka city at the 70's and he enrolled to study Engineering at the University of Illinois, USA. At the very last moment he cancelled his flight because after a lot of pushing he got his mother's permission to join the Mukti-bahini to defend his motherland. He trained under then Major Khaled Mosharraf and was a hero of the crack-platoon, a guerilla unit who wrecked havoc in Dhaka city during the war. Altaf Mahmood, Jewel, Rumi all were in the crack platoon and their heroics were a topic of the town at that time. Unfortunately they were captured by the help of Razakar collaborators and accepted martyrdom for their beloved motherland. Now these are the heroes who we should be inspired by and their legacy should be there forever for the generations to come in the land of Purbo Bangla. And you say forget the past? You are not only offending senior citizens, I was not even born when Bangladesh was on war, my parents experienced the war at their youth. You even dared to mention negatively our captain calling the freedom-fighters real hero after the WC match. Tell me now, who should he call real heroes? Ananta Jalil and Shakib Khan? The only way you could save our beloved Shonar-Bangla is by installing the spirits of the liberation war sealed inside the heart of every single youth out there. We must know who are we and what we stand for...or else we are doomed.
You reaffirmed my point that we don't have the heroes out there anymore

If we really want heroes of these time, we need to start respecting them. In Bangladesh, no one wants to bring out positive change but rather be the way things were in the past.People keep voting for the same people that brought miseries in their lives. People talk about women rights but its the women themselves of this country who are forcing the young girls to get married early, and not attain higher educatib

There are a lot of people with a lot of potential who can change the country. But the kind of disrespect these people repels them from the country. We treat foreigners like gods but we treat our own people like **** sometimes. Fact is, we don't love ourselves anymore. India has advanced so much merely because of their love for their country.

But how do we harness it? I can understand the freedom fighters can inspire the current generation but it doesn't work this way. If we want to inspire people of today, we need the people of today to motivate everyone else. Their era is over, our era just began.
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