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Old August 10, 2017, 05:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Roy_1
BTW what is Bangladeshi culture? It is a subset of Indian culture just like there is nothing called Pakistani culture. You are trying to built a different identity I get that but toying with history can be dangerous, don't have to go far see just see what Pakistanis have become in their quest to become "Not-Indians"
There is no such thing as Bangladeshi culture. Our culture is Bengali culture. It's not a subset of Indian culture because there is no such thing as "Indian" culture. What most people outside of the subcontinent call Indian culture is just North Indian culture (hindi speaking, Hindu dominant, Sacred Cow, Diwali, etc.) But I'm sure you will agree, that's not all of Indian culture. It's hard to have a singular identity when so many ethnicities are involved. But that's not true for Bangladesh. We are 98% Bengali and that is our sole culture. If anything, we contributed to "Indian" culture. To call Bengali culture a subset is to imply that we somehow "borrowed" from India, when that's not true. We've simply held on to what we have always had.

Originally Posted by Roy_1
That fair skin bit is a bit offensive, I did not expect that from you, Bangladesh was not appeared from nowhere, it was carved from the very land you are making fun of, you were ruled by the same people, have the same blood share the same obsessions. You insulting us is like you spitting in your own face, not sure if you understand that.
I don't disagree. It's a problem in Bangladesh as well. Fair & Lovely is very popular here, a sad fact. But you have to admit that there's a reason why those cheerleaders are mostly white. There's no defending that. It's just pathetic all around.
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