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Old December 26, 2017, 08:21 PM
Austin 3:!6 Austin 3:!6 is offline
Join Date: January 25, 2015
Location: London
Favorite Player: Sachin Tendulkar
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Originally Posted by Yankees
See folks, this is what happens when you watch too much IPL tamasha. You start talking out of your a$$ and saying things like cricket is all but a bowlers game.

I'm sure anything less than four 6s an over is too much of a bowlers game for fans of bombastic hungama IPL.

Not sure which part of my post you didnt understood? Is it not true that a batsman gets only 1 chance...i repeat 1 chance in an entire match. But bowlers can bowl overs after over and get multiple chances. What is so difficult for you to understand?

Not sure why you dragging IPL here. For all IPL hullaballo...the fact remains we are still no.1 test team.
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