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Old January 10, 2018, 10:28 PM
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MarufH MarufH is offline
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Originally Posted by Yankees
Just answer this for me. If Shakib gets injured tomorrow and can no longer play cricket, will you support his family? Im guessing no.Then how can you say that players should play for the love of the game.

It's very easy for fans to expect players to put country first, but that same country won't give a crap when the player is done playing and is in financial trouble.

A cricketer has a short window in which to earn his living. From the age of 20 - 38 is when a cricket can play. Whatever they earn during that time will have to support him and his family in his 40s, 50s, 60s. You can't blame them if domestic T20 allows them to put more in the nest egg.

Test cricket imo is unsustainable in the long run. Money talks, and I won't blame any Bengali cricketer if he opts to get paid more in IPL than the peanuts BCB chooses to pay him.
I get what you are saying. Money matters. But money is taking the true passion and fun out of it. Think about it, Wasim Akram, Ranatunga and Ganguly was not paid as much during their playing career but sure played with their heart out. I miss that passion.
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