Thread: CHEER UP!
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Old March 2, 2018, 04:10 AM
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i_am_ringo i_am_ringo is offline
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Default CHEER UP!

if you go through most threads, there is a chronic negativity in this forum. You almost get the feeling here that Bangladesh cricket is the worst thing ever.. I know, I’m guilty of posting crap too.

It’s actually the most precious team in the world. They bring me the most joy in sports as I’m sure it does to almost everyone here. You can find a fond memory of everyone in the squad and I have an appreciation for all of them.

I think venting now and then is fine, but the forum is getting increasingly depressing. Very dark, very sarcastic, very critical... overall unhealthy.


There are members from throughout the world. What you post effects the mood and emotions of everyone who reads it. If you are in a particularly nasty mood, save it for the gym or jogging. Keep this a supportive, healthy discussion.
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