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Old September 2, 2018, 02:17 PM
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shibal shibal is offline
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Join Date: September 1, 2018
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Favorite Player: Shakib Al Hasan
Posts: 14

Originally Posted by Yankees
Shibal bhai, youre in luck. I happen to know the premier sylheti matchmaker in the UK. I've told him about your specific requirements and he found 3 girls. Please see below and if youre interested, we can talk next steps.

1) First up is lovely Amaya. As you can see, she is not short of looks. With a height of 5'8", she is sure to turn heads. She definitely has a wild side, I mean just look at the way she carelessly rides the swings. Why not tame her and make her your?

2) ahh what have we here? Selfie queen? Baap re baap. As you can see, Sumaya is perhaps more British then Sylheti. What she lacks in piousness, she more than makes up for in her appearance. Look at those Pakistani looking eyes, the Persian chin, and those European fingers. A non-bengali looking girl fit for our bengali prince!

3) Last but not least, we have the marvelous Mohona. Broad shoulders, head held high, a high school dropout, what more could your parents want? Definitely the most pious of the 3 - no Sir, no hindu influence in this household. But if you think she can't handle the modern society up in that frozen tundra you call Canada, then let me paraphrase a famous rapper and say what we have here is a lady in the sheets, alhamdulillah on the streets!
jazakallah khair brother for your satirical post. I really appreciate the help man. However a girl does not have to be niqab wearing for me at all, in fact I don't prefer that as well and neither does the Quran.

Neither am I looking for uneducated girl. I'm just looking for a girl who is striving to make the time for her deen in her dunya.

On a serious note, what are the sylheti girls like in New York city? The few that I met during my visit were extremely whitewashed.

Originally Posted by al Furqaan
Shibal bro, this doesn't even seem like a serious thread, but a few words of advice.

Its OK for someone to have a preference for whatever attribute you're looking for. You have that right. But the pickier you are a) the harder it will be for you to find a suitable spouse and b) people will criticize you for excessive pickiness. So if a girl only wants a doctor for a husband, or its a guy like you who wants his wife to be duudor lakhan shada, everyone has that right to preference without being judged. You want a wife from Sylhet? Nothing wrong with that...I do too and I don't even have rational reason for it. Some people their parents wouldn't accept a non-Sylheti spouse, but mine don't care.

But posting pics of random girls on a cricket forum just to make a point? Thats weird and uncalled for, bro.

Harping on and on about your "Pakistani" looks will come off as being conceited at the best and racist at the worst. There are "fair skinned" or "non-bengali" looking people from every district of Bangladesh. And there are plenty of "bengali" looking people from Sylhet. Religousity is also something that you will find everything off in all districts. Yes UK Sylhetis tend to appear as more "religious" but religiousness isn't defined by wearing hijab, or having a beard, or saying mashallah/subhanallah all the time, or even by going to jummah prayer every Friday.
Thanks for the advice bro. I only posted the pics because a poster straight up was mocking me for having a preference for a "egu re bangali laghe na" look. Again I only harped on what I looked like, so I don't come off as some random bengali guy demanding a good looking girl out of nowhere. I'm turning 28 years in a few months, although I'm very attracted to Pakistani girls, I never dared to chased them or any bengali girl in my life personally in Canada. For the patience, I'd like to think I'm allowed to have some stringent demands. I'm also very aware what I'm looking for is going to be tough hence I'd like to try my chances in the UK.

And yes I'm very aware there are a lot of fake hijabis out there in the UK, that's why my parents are very strict on family and girl background; that's something only a contact in the UK can investigate or can vouch for if the contact/mediator knows the girl and her family personally. The unique thing about the UK sylheti girls is that plenty of them have also gone to those islamic schools where they've been tought both islamic education and western education following the british school curriculum which allows them to get a good university education as well in addition to already having the islamic education.
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