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Old September 11, 2018, 08:34 AM
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Originally Posted by BengaliPagol
It boils down to intention and will. Pre-destination can be described using an example of a highway. Everyone can drive a car on the highway and reach the same destination, but the free will element is how sensibly we drive along that highway.

Are you being a reckless driver? Or do you abide by the road rules?

The highway is the path that Allah has laid out, and the driving part is our own free will/intention part.
What I don’t understand is that there are people like Trump, Putin, Assad, Kim etc who have done terrible things, yet they have been gifted by God with power? If you believe in pre-destination then you would agree that it is God who gave them power?

But on the other hand you have people in the mosque praying, trying to live a good life.. and what is the gift from God? Often the answer is oh you will be rewarded in the next life.. I mean? What?
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