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Old September 12, 2018, 10:48 AM
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Originally Posted by SportingBD
Curious to know.

If our destiny is already written, why is there a need to pray?

Let’s assume you pray for X, Y, Z in your life. And you get none.

But you prayed for those. If you had known you wouldn’t have got it would you pray?

I mean to say if the outcome would have been same what is the need to pray for XYZ?
BP and ToBeFair have provided insightful perspectives. I'll add another one. This may not be a direct answer to your question but sometimes it's more important to figure it out for oneself after taking different perspectives into account. Imagine the following scenarios:

1) If you put a toy in front of a toddler, you can pretty much predict what the kid will do next... crawl towards it
2) In 2016 US elections a data analytics company, known to the whole world by now, helped Trump win the elections. They were able to build accurate psychological profiles of voters based on a few tweets and likes on facebook. They were not only able to read their minds but also predict future behavior quite accurately. They took it a step further when they used their knowledge base to manufacture consent of voters by using a technique called psychometrics, which is essentially individualized advertising based on behavioral microtargetting.
3) Fast forward a few years and the kind of research going on in the field of AI will blow anyone's mind. One of the projects Amazon is working on will provide them ability to read our mind as we read content on Kindle. Kindle will monitor the pause between sentences and paragraphs and read our facial expressions and archive the data on amazon servers. This data will be used to create analytical models that will predict with a high degree of certainty how a person will behave in specific scenarios that they have not even faced yet.

If one believes in a deity who controls time, set into motion the process of creation and is responsible for creation of all things, is it really that far fetched to think he possesses knowledge of the past and the future?
Few things inspire us to soar quite like being really f***ed if we don't
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