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Old September 21, 2018, 08:56 PM
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Zeeshan Zeeshan is offline
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Default Does the V2 Theory apply to our batsmen?

First of all players like Mushy, Tamim, Sakeb are off the hook. Senior manush. But if you are a Bangladesh batsman and if you have any of these following, then that may explain your lack of batting prowess - and hence your performance on bed- on field.

Thank you. Come 'gin.
  1. chip on one's shoulder
  2. cynicism
  3. defeatism
  4. dim view
  5. discouragement
  6. expectation of the worst
  7. gloomy outlook
  8. hopelessness
  9. lack of confidence
  10. low spirits
  11. negative thinking
  12. negativism
  13. pessimism
  14. apprehension
  15. disbelief
  16. distrust
  17. hesitation
  18. reluctance
  19. suspicion
  20. uncertainty
  21. agnosticism
  22. dubiety
  23. dubiousness
  24. faithlessness
  25. indecision
  26. questioning
  27. lack of confidence
  28. leeriness
  29. noun doubt, changeableness
  30. ambiguity
  31. ambivalence
  32. anxiety
  33. concern
  34. confusion
  35. distrust
  36. mistrust
  37. skepticism
  38. suspicion
  39. trouble
  40. uneasiness
  41. unpredictability
  42. worry
  43. bewilderment
  44. conjecture
  45. contingency
  46. dilemma
  47. disquiet
  48. doubtfulness
  49. dubiety
  50. guesswork
  51. hesitancy
  52. hesitation
  53. incertitude
  54. inconclusiveness
  55. indecision
  56. irresolution
  57. misgiving
  58. mystification
  59. oscillation
  60. perplexity
  61. puzzle
  62. puzzlement
  63. qualm
  64. quandary
  65. query
  66. reserve
  67. scruple
  68. vagueness
  69. wonder
  70. lack of confidence
  71. questionableness
  72. ambiguity
  73. apprehension
  74. confusion
  75. difficulty
  76. disbelief
  77. distrust
  78. fear
  79. hesitation
  80. misgiving
  81. mistrust
  82. problem
  83. qualm
  84. reluctance
  85. skepticism
  86. suspense
  87. suspicion
  88. uncertainty
  89. agnosticism
  90. demurral
  91. diffidence
  92. dilemma
  93. discredit
  94. disquiet
  95. dubiety
  96. dubiousness
  97. faithlessness
  98. faltering
  99. hesitancy
  100. incertitude
  101. incredulity
  102. indecision
  103. irresolution
  104. perplexity
  105. quandary
  106. rejection
  107. scruple
  108. vacillation
  109. wavering
  110. lack of confidence
  111. doubt
  112. agnosticism
  113. ambiguity
  114. apprehension
  115. confusion
  116. demurral
  117. difficulty
  118. diffidence
  119. dilemma
  120. disbelief
  121. discredit
  122. disquiet
  123. distrust
  124. dubiety
  125. dubiousness
  126. faithlessness
  127. faltering
  128. fear
  129. hesitancy
  130. hesitation
  131. incertitude
  132. incredulity
  133. indecision
  134. irresolution
  135. lack of confidence
  136. misgiving
  137. mistrust
  138. perplexity
  139. problem
  140. qualm
  141. quandary
  142. rejection
  143. reluctance
  144. scruple
  145. skepticism
  146. suspense
  147. suspicion
  148. uncertainty
  149. vacillation
  150. wavering
  151. doubts
  152. noun. lack of faith, conviction; questioning
  153. agnosticism
  154. ambiguity
  155. apprehension
  156. confusion
  157. demurral
  158. difficulty
  159. diffidence
  160. dilemma
  161. disbelief
  162. discredit
  163. disquiet
  164. distrust
  165. dubiety
  166. dubiousness
  167. faithlessness
  168. faltering
  169. fear
  170. hesitancy
  171. hesitation
  172. incertitude
  173. incredulity
  174. indecision
  175. irresolution
  176. lack of confidence
  177. misgiving
  178. mistrust
  179. perplexity
  180. problem
  181. qualm
  182. quandary
  183. rejection
  184. reluctance
  185. scruple
  186. skepticism
  187. suspense
  188. suspicion
  189. uncertainty
  190. vacillation
  191. wavering
  192. negative attitude
  193. noun. bad attitude
  194. chip on one's shoulder
  195. cynicism
  196. defeatism
  197. dim view
  198. discouragement
  199. expectation of the worst
  200. gloomy outlook
  201. hopelessness
  202. lack of confidence
  203. low spirits
  204. negative thinking
  205. negativism
  206. pessimism
  207. skepticism
  208. noun. doubt
  209. agnosticism
  210. apprehension
  211. disbelief
  212. distrust
  213. dubiety
  214. dubiousness
  215. faithlessness
  216. hesitation
  217. indecision
  218. lack of confidence
  219. leeriness
  220. questioning
  221. reluctance
  222. suspicion
  223. uncertainty
  224. suspicion
  225. noun. doubt
  226. bad vibes
  227. chariness
  228. conjecture
  229. cynicism
  230. distrust
  231. dubiety
  232. dubiosity
  233. funny feeling
  234. guess
  235. guesswork
  236. gut feeling
  237. hunch
  238. idea
  239. impression
  240. incertitude
  241. incredulity
  242. jealousy
  243. lack of confidence
  244. misgiving
  245. mistrust
  246. nonbelief
  247. notion
  248. qualm
  249. skepticism
  250. sneaking suspicion
  251. supposition
  252. surmise
  253. uncertainty
  254. wariness
  255. wonder
  256. suspicions
  257. noun. doubt
  258. bad vibes
  259. chariness
  260. conjecture
  261. cynicism
  262. distrust
  263. dubiety
  264. dubiosity
  265. funny feeling
  266. guess
  267. guesswork
  268. gut feeling
  269. hunch
  270. idea
  271. impression
  272. incertitude
  273. incredulity
  274. jealousy
  275. lack of confidence
  276. misgiving
  277. mistrust
  278. nonbelief
  279. notion
  280. qualm
  281. skepticism
  282. sneaking suspicion
  283. supposition
  284. surmise
  285. uncertainty
  286. wariness
  287. wonder
  288. adj alarmed, apprehensive
  289. afraid
  290. agitated
  291. anxious
  292. frightened
  293. hesitant
  294. jittery
  295. nervous
  296. panicky
  297. scared
  298. shy
  299. skittish
  300. tense
  301. timid
  302. uneasy
  303. aflutter
  304. aghast
  305. chicken
  306. chickenhearted
  307. diffident
  308. discomposed
  309. disquieted
  310. disturbed
  311. fainthearted
  312. goose-bumpy
  313. have cold feet
  314. in a dither
  315. intimidated
  316. jumpy
  317. lily-livered
  318. mousy
  319. nerveless
  320. nervy
  321. perturbed
  322. phobic
  323. pusillanimous
  324. quivery
  325. rabbity
  326. running scared
  327. shaky
  328. sheepish
  329. shrinking
  330. solicitous
  331. spineless
  332. timorous
  333. tremulous
  334. unmanly
  335. weak-kneed
  336. worried
  337. yellow

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