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Old October 31, 2018, 08:23 AM
tonmoy.dhaka tonmoy.dhaka is offline
Test Cricketer
Join Date: February 17, 2016
Posts: 1,049

From my perspective, I have always enjoyed the british shows more than American ones. The concept of lot of american shows are copied from british ones.

"Office" was probably one of the the only few successful copies but that is mainly because "Ricky Gervais" is the producer for both to my knowledge.

I absolutely hate teen comedies but the british ones are great, "Skins" was amazing and so was "Misfits" .

Everytime there is laughter and applause played in the background, It shows that the tv series lacks true humor. I know people love "friends", and I love Joey too but the humor is forced and not great to be honest.

British crime drama lacks popularity but miles ahead of American ones. They are more real and does not show outrageous plots . For example, I am not sure if the lawyers in "suits" are also the best action super hero, Sherlock holmes and superhuman all in one (given the number of cases they solve every week). Totally unrealistic.

Compare than to "Broadchurch" or "Marcella" .. They are gripping dramas. "The Fall" was also great. The best Cop based suspense show for me is "Line of Duty" (I still dont understand why no body knows about it).
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