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Old November 12, 2018, 10:07 PM
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Zeeshan Zeeshan is offline
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No person reached the REAL zenith of mastery by grinding their teeth and FORCING themselves to play under the guise and 'virtue' of hard work ethic. The VERY reason Bradman is Bradman was the childhood playfulness attitude he brought from his days of water tank. As did Leonardo Da Vinci et al.

As Kobe said, when I was young, I wanted to be the greatest basketball player of all time. As I grow older, I realized how fickle that goal is. Sure you can be best of the best through hard work, but in order to reach the purest form of mastery that... that can only be achieved by pure unadulterated love and passion. It is entirely possible you wake up in the morning and give yourself a time frame to memorize 100 digits of pi or solve Rubik's cube. But what good is life if it makes you salty and frustrated instead you of just loving the process and enjoying every second of it? Besides autotelic people are more successful in the long run.

We really need to get away from this age-old amol of 'babysitting' our players.

GSP's trainer Firas Zahabi harped on the importance of undertraining for longevity. And last time I checked GSP and Brady are #1 and GOAT. Brady realized the importance of 'soft approach' versus teeth-grinding b.. busting attitude.

Here's Sadhguru:

Alan Watts said it best: "If you think you are flawed, you are using that VERY flawed mind to make a claim that you are flawed! So how the hell can you trust that process?"

Nasir and Sabbir reaped what they sowed. Our job is to make them the best player one can be not the 'best' human being they can be, whatever the damn hell that means. They took chances, it didn't work for us or the team, move on. There are plenty of other fishes in the sea.

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