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Old November 27, 2018, 02:03 PM
iDumb iDumb is offline
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Originally Posted by Yankees

In a way, idumb is a good example why I know Andrew Yang will never be taken seriously, because most people dont actually bother to read what UBI really means but just make a knee-jerk reaction.
No. I know a lot more than you and what I possess better than you is an ability to analyze and not regurgitate others ideas. There have been small scale study on basic income. It doesn't work. Even then the studies have to taken in context of many other factors. US with its 300 million + population needs cut in expenditure not expand. There are circumstances where basic income will not be enough. Some one has to pay for it.

And I also understand human behavior and the 3rd class mentality. For countries with large population, UBI is a bad idea in my opinion. It may work in smaller rich countries.

Next time don't talk out of your *** and throw dumb opinions as fact. Its an idea and it can be analyzed with data and an educated hypotheis can be made. Automation is taking away jobs but it is still at its infancy to have widespread unemployment. Other jobs will be created. It is not so black and white. You only expose what a chagol you are repeatedly making dumb assupmtions about everyone here.
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