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Old May 18, 2019, 07:30 PM
iDumb iDumb is offline
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Originally Posted by Shingara
what I say is nothing but the truth, no sugarcoating.

There's more - high rate of abortions, virginity restoration surgeries, taxi drivers picking up drunk white girls ..
Truth in your small world. Everyone does not and will not conform to your belief system - many cases that belief system is very archaic and encroach upon others freedom. Perhaps it's time you stop throwing judgement on others and work on improving yourself and your thought process.

he was an absolute racist
You sound worse.

and news flash many ppl do not like their boss - because they don't like being told what to do, being micromanaged. Blaming his ineptitude on his background also show you do not know how to thrive in difficult scenario.

My best friend is a Syleti btw. He is a mullah and a very good man.He agrees with me on these points.
Classic. Your best friend being a Sylheti does not absolve you from exercising proper social etiquette or worse actually being a regionalist/racist/a bigot.

All these time I thought sylhet jokes were funny and used to join in but some of these thoughts are disturbing and disappointing.
Life is short. Have an affair.
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