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Old August 2, 2019, 11:22 AM
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Fazal Fazal is offline
Cricket Sage
Join Date: September 16, 2004
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What Sakib is saying makes so sense, that what some of us are also saying for long time.... it makes perfect sense....

You rotate players, and give opportunity to few new players. That will do the following:
- keep players healthy and more engaged when they play.
- increase the pool of qualified replaceable players with experience.

- eventually will create more competition
- No more excuse that we don't have substitute.
- Reduce the chance of keeping injured/off-form players in the team.

There is no excuse of keeping an already injured player in the team.

What Sakib is saying is not rocket science, but its so refreshing that its coming from the mouth of a senior player, where the rest of the senior players feel too insecure with that idea. They want to eliminate their competition at any cost... they feel insecure with that idea.

Sakib is in different class (from the rest)... not only from talent and production POV, but also they way he thinks about the game and the team.
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