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Old October 11, 2020, 04:39 PM
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Originally Posted by iDumb
agreed. it's always an iffy line. But it can help to fix peoples decorum.

It's a good idea to drive traffic back to here but I don't think traffic is a problem here. At any point I see almost 500 ppl browsing the site. It's the moronic and boring posts by this moderator rinat (who btw was chosen to be a moderator to clean up spam posts not for his judgment) that keeping ppl away...

Which reminds me of that other idiotic moderator Jadukor who also was chosen to clean up spam but he thought he was recruited for his insight. and then when he realized the truth - had a tantrum like the dumb girl that he is.

U put these types of characters to run a site who do not fully understand their assigned role - it is bound to fail.
I was a bit hesitant to share this but I will in favor of therapeutic release.

Twice in a span of 4 days, I took my mom to ER. (I do not wish to disclose the complexities and my personal tribulations but I ask for everyone's prayer for her health and well-wishes to Allah.)

Today, per her wish I dropped her at ER and came home. I cried on the way and continuously in bursts after coming home. I have doubled my consumption of marijuana, went back onto meds and intermittently started tobacco.

But I am so clinically depressed nothing made me feel good. I was sitting at home alone in an unbearable pin drop silence trashily listening to YouTube on grief, emotional release and catharsis.

I know this forum is dead but I decided to complete the autofill anyway.

Dear iDumb, in this terrifying, traumatic and shocking times of my life, your humor is the only thing that made me chuckle so far. I brought my mom home just now and I just wanted to say, there are many many millions and millions of people like - either in forum or as trolls or as 'witty' commentators on Youtube and Facebook - unbeknownst to whom they don't know they are magically touching their lives with wit, sunshine and rays of humor.

I just wish now that one of those thankless times doesn't have to be this one. I am still clinically depressed but boy, people like iDumb and others really make this world a better...and bearable place.

And GOOD LUCK trying to lead BC with Rinat and Al-Furqaan - TWO OF THE MOST BORING, dry and serious persons on the planet.

Goddamn... they will probably suck the life out of that group. Heck, Asaad already gave his ultimatum.


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