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Old October 12, 2020, 12:23 AM
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godzilla godzilla is offline
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Originally Posted by iDumb
the only way you can help is by posting. You don't have to do anything else. I never understood when ppl write "i have been away". Away from what? this is the internet. You haven't been away from the internet - that's a LIE, it's in the palm of your hand. You can be away to anywhere in the world and still be here.

Ppl carry their phone when they take a hagu. So none of u have been away. There is only Rinat the robot here. No one wants to talk to a robot - in a forum or on facebook.

Bro, am a coder. When I said help out more, meant trying to fix some of the issues of the forum if possible. I post when I have something interesting to discuss or engage to (like now). Also, when people says they have been aways, literally means away from the forum - as in not interested to pop in every day 3-4 times like back in the days. It's kind of obvious why at this point, you might post something, someone might try to continue the discussion maybe 2 days later, by then interest ceases.

Also, creating Facebook groups/pages/running ads myself, how you described it is not it. What these guys did is create a closed group. Unless they make it public or your friends/family joined the group themselves, they won't get to see any of the posts or notification. However, like shingara pointed out, maybe you don't want to reveal who you are and want to stay anonymous, FB won't work in that case.

Honestly, FB is not my go to platform to discuss about sports. I like the forum based style for it. But each to his own I suppose.
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