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Old June 16, 2023, 07:38 AM
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Zeeshan Zeeshan is offline
Cricket Savant
Join Date: March 9, 2008
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Posts: 35,908

The Truth

Life doesn’t owe you anything. It doesn’t owe you perfect or even good parents. Life doesn’t owe you health, happiness, abundance, success, comfort, or immunity from pain and problems. It doesn’t owe you a job, a house, a bed, or a single meal. No one owes you kindness, love, recognition, empathy, apologies, or understanding. You aren’t entitled to a single thing. Your family owes you nothing. Your government owes you nothing. No one owes you anything at all.

Ouch, right? I know, it stings.

I’ve had people blow up at me for saying less (they shouldn’t have asked me).

The Treasure

In all truth lies a treasure. The gift in acknowledging and accepting that life owes you nothing is that you realize that every single thing you have is a blessing. Life owes you nothing, and yet look at all you’ve been given. Blessings rain upon you at every moment.

The bed you sleep in, the shoes you walk in, the spoon you eat from, the people/pets who adore you, the money you receive, the beauty you glimpse, the sweetness that sways your heart—all blessings.

Your life is overflowing with treasures. There is not enough time in a day to count them all, but count at least 10 of them each day. Recognize the truth about your existence. Above all your cup is not 1/2 empty, it’s overflowing and you weren’t entitled to have anything inside of it.

Teaching this to my children is one of my proudest acts as a mother. I know that this correction of perception will serve and propel them forward throughout their lives.

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