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Old August 23, 2005, 06:37 AM
ejaj_a ejaj_a is offline
Club Cricketer
Join Date: May 7, 2005
Location: london
Posts: 124

I think it is easy to criticise someone's opinion. Not everybody is good writer and able to explain what they really meant. But I dont think it's a rocket science to understand what Mr. fan_frm_the_uk tried to say. Even though he had inially brought up lots of issues without giving finishing touch. However, my understanding is he meant we shudn't criticise our team or individual players for their worst showing. We can debate on this whether we shud criticise or not but pretending that we completely didn't understand what he "fan_frm_the_uk" meant bit of harsh on him. Give this guy a break ppl.

Edited on, August 23, 2005, 11:41 AM GMT, by ejaj_a.
Reason: reduced double spacing
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